The Cross Tower church is motivated to carry out the two basic commands of the first century church as stated in Matthew 22:36-39, "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’" We strive to form our ministries around these purposes as we reach up to God, reach in to encourage the body of believers, and reach out to serve those in need in our community and around the world.
Church (Body) Life
Reaching in to the body of believers and reaching out to our community through Guest Services, benevolence, our food pantry, and meeting members' needs.
Women's ministry
Focusing on reaching up, in and out by connecting women to God, loving others and serving all.
Reaching out to the local community and beyond (foreign & domestic missions, and service within our local community)
children's ministry
Walking beside parents as they teach their children about the love of Jesus, and providing a loving environment for their children to grow in the Lord (Children’s Worship, Bible Classes, Vacation Bible School, & Kids Kamp)
G.U.M. Ministry (Pre-teens)
Engaging pre-teens (grades 4-6) in our G.U.M. (God Uses Me) Ministry by encouraging this group of children to reach up to learn more about God and reach in to form friendships with each other through fun activities and service to others.
symple (Youth ministry)
Equipping teenagers to be able to reach up to deepen their faith and reach out to serve others, including Sunday morning Bible class, Tuesday Night Devos, monthly service at the Rescue Mission, and other service opportunities. Summer activities usually include a service-oriented mission trip and camp.
Connection Ministry
Reaching up, in and out: Small groups really help people grow deep relationships with God and one another. Our small groups come in all shapes and sizes. They meet throughout the Wasatch Valley all during the week.
(Young Professionals & Young Marrieds)
Reaching in to form lifelong friendships that encourage us in our daily walk with God and reaching out to serve our community and those in need.
Spanish Ministry
Our Spanish Language Ministry provides worship, study and fellowship for all ages for those who speak Spanish. Carlos Perez is our Spanish Minister.
Reaching up to God through public worship, the Lord's Supper, Praise Team, and our Audio/Visual ministry.
Men's Ministry
Strengthening men's connection to God through discipleship (D60), Men's Prayer Breakfasts, and to each other and the community through service projects and
other activities.
Genuine worship (reach up) and good Bible study (reach in) create within us a desire to serve others (reach out). This is the outward focus that makes us the “salt of the earth” and the “light of the world.” Jesus said, “Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven” (Matthew 5:13-16).