Randy Clay, Preaching Minister
Randy is a native of Arkansas who has transplanted himself in Utah. He has been the preaching minister for the Cross Tower Church since 1993. He received his B.A. in Bible from Harding University in 1980 and his M.S. in Bible from Abilene Christian University in 1996. He and his wife Kathy married in 1984; they have three beautiful adult daughters. He loves seeing new faces in worship! He loves to read, draw, watch movies (especially sports movies), cheer on his beloved Razorbacks, and visit Mayberry when he can. He enjoys conveying the message of Jesus in innovative and creative ways. His life verse is Matthew 28:20, "For the Son of Man came not be served but to serve, and to give his live as a ransom for many."
Carlos Perez, Spanish Language PREACHING Minister
Carlos Perez has been serving the Cross Tower Church since June 2011. He and his wife, Catalina, have three grown sons Daniel, Ramses, and Roman. They are originally from Mexico; they lived in California for a time and now call Utah home. He and Catalina both grew up in the church of Christ. They feel they have been blessed greatly to be able to serve the Spanish ministry here at Cross Tower. His favorite verse is Psalms 119:65, "Do good to your servant, according to your word, Lord. His favorite song is "God is Here." His desire is to reach many souls for Christ, teach the word of God, and for everyone to experience salvation. His motto is "Reach everyone that needs God."
En Espanol:
Mi Nombre es Carlos Perez, sirvo a la Iglesia de Cross Tower desde Junio del 2011. Mi esposa es Catalina Perez y tengo 3 hijos varones, Daniel, Ramses, y Roman. Somos originarios de Mexico y desde nuestra niñez hemos sido miembros de la Iglesia de Cristo. Estamos bendecidos en gran manera de poder servir al Ministerio Hispano aqui en Cross Tower. Mi verso favorito es Salmos 119:65, "Bien has hecho con tu siervo, Oh Jehová, conforme a tu palabra." Mi canto favorito es "Dios esta aqui." Mi anhelo es Alcanzar mas almas para Cristo, enseñar mas de la Palabra de Dios asi como animar a que todos sigamos Adelante en el camino que nos lleve a la Salvacion. Mi slogan en el miniestrio Hispano es, "Alcanzar a todos lo que necesiten de Dios."